Inspired by mountainous landscapes, an intricate stone layout was created using Elephant Skin Stone. Each stone is meticulously place upon a high slope of aquarium soil creating additional depth in this triangular aquascape. Beautiful characteristics and textures found in Elephant Skin Stone provide a solid foundation for the addition of aquatic plants.
TANK: UNS 75P 36 Gallons
Substrate: UNS Controsoil Black Extra Fine
Lighting: UNS Titan 1 RGB LED for 7 HR/Day
CO2: UNS Dual Guage Regulator at 6.8pH for 7 HR/Day
Filtration: UNS Delta 120
Hardscape: Elephant Skin Stone
Maintenance: 40% water change once a week
Elecharis Acicularis Mini
Elecharis Acicularis Vivipara
Echinodorus Tenellus
Hygrophila Araguaia
Cryptocoryne Wendtii ‘Indo’ Brown
Cryptocoryne Affinis
Riccardia Chamedryfolia
Nymphaea Stella
Cardinal Tetra
Amano Shrimp

Setup & Installation of the UNS Mini Refugium Light (Clip-On & Magnetic Versions)