A colorful aquascape featuring Strata, a resin-molded stone that will not affect water chemistry. This layout is created in a UNS 45U which is the most managable sized rimless tank sizes without sacrificing space or creativity.
TANK: UNS 45U 9 Gallons
Substrate: UNS Controsoil Fine black
Lighting: 8 HR/Day
CO2: UNS Dual Guage Regulator at 6.4pH for 8 HR/Day
Filtration: UNS delta 60 / Delta Mini
Hardscape: UNS Strata Seiryu Stone
Maintenance: 50% water change once a week
Rotala Sp. Green
Rotala Manipurensis
Juncus Repens
Ludwigia Palustris ‘Super Red’
Ludwigia Arcuata Sp. Crystal
Gratiola Viscidula
Eleocharis Acicularis ‘Mini’
Glossostigma Elatinoides
Bucephalandra Red Mini
Ember Tetra
Amano Shrimp

Setup & Installation of the UNS Mini Refugium Light (Clip-On & Magnetic Versions)